The Ultimate Wedding Week Checklist

The week of your wedding will sneak up on you! Family begins to arrive, all the details start to fall into place, and there is a sense of excitement in the air. It can be easy to get lost in all the excitement and forget to cross your Ts and dot your Is. Don’t worry, we’ve created this checklist so you don’t have to!

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1. Confirm Final Headcount

The week before your wedding, confirm your final guest count with your caterer and venue. This number affects seating arrangements, meal planning, and favors. It’s also a good idea to inform your vendors of any last-minute changes to avoid surprises on the day.

2. Finalize Your Seating Chart

With your final headcount in place, it’s time to finalize the seating chart. Double-check that your VIPs are comfortably seated, and ensure that any guests with specific needs are accommodated. Don’t forget to share the chart with your venue and wedding coordinator.

3. Pack Your Wedding Day Essentials

Create a wedding day kit that includes all the essentials you might need, such as:

  • Touch-up makeup and a small mirror
  • Mints or breath freshener
  • Tissues for those happy tears
  • Phone charger
  • Comfortable shoes for dancing
  • A copy of your vows

4. Confirm Vendor Details

Reach out to all your vendors to confirm the details of their services. Ensure they have the correct time and location, and provide them with any last-minute instructions. It’s also a good idea to share a point of contact (other than yourself) who can handle any questions on the day.

5. Break in Your Wedding Shoes

If you haven’t already, spend some time breaking in your wedding shoes. Wear them around the house for short periods to avoid blisters and discomfort on your wedding day.

6. Rehearsal and Rehearsal Dinner

The rehearsal is your chance to iron out any logistical kinks before the big day. Make sure everyone involved in the ceremony knows where to be and when. Afterward, relax and enjoy your rehearsal dinner—this is a time to unwind with your closest friends and family before the celebration begins.

7. Get Your Beauty Sleep

As tempting as it may be to stay up late finalizing details, prioritize your sleep. A well-rested bride or groom is a happy one, and you’ll want to look and feel your best on your wedding day.

8. Pack for Your Honeymoon

If you’re heading straight to your honeymoon after the wedding, take some time this week to pack. Make sure you have all your travel documents, itinerary, and essentials ready to go. Having this done early will give you peace of mind.

9. Prepare Payments and Tips

Prepare any final payments or tips for your vendors and ensure they’re ready to be handed out on the day. It’s helpful to put these in labeled envelopes and entrust them to someone responsible, like your wedding coordinator or a family member.

10. Relax and Enjoy

The most important thing to remember in the days leading up to your wedding is to relax and enjoy the moment. You’ve spent months (or even years) planning this day, and now it’s time to soak it all in. Take a deep breath, trust your planning, and get excited—your big day is almost here!

With this checklist in hand, you’re ready to tackle your wedding week with confidence. Remember, this is your time to shine, so focus on what matters most—celebrating your love with those who matter most.